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2024 photography competition
winner and runners up

To celebrate our fungal world, we invited you to capture your favourite fungus on camera! We received nearly 400 entries, many of which we will showcase over the coming months.


Fungi play vitally important roles in the natural environment and in our lives. Fungi are with us throughout history in folklore and mythology, playing important roles in ecosystems, and in modern use to benefit society. So we encouraged anyone to submit their best fungus photo, with prizes for the winner and 2 runners up.

1st Barry Webb.jpg

Winner - Barry Webb​

Earpick Fungus​ 

(Auriscalpium vulgare
"Taken in the New Forest in December 2023."

1st runner up - Mike Blacknell​


"This composition of the parasitic mould (Spinellus fusiger), commonly called Bonnet Mould, covering the cap of a Mycena species mushroom, was taken in Crowd Hill Copse in Fair Oak, Hampshire on 22.10.23."

2nd Mike Blacknell.jpg
3rd Will Brantingham.jpg

2nd runner up -

Will Brantingham

The gills of a young Crimson Waxcap, Hygrocybe punicea

"Taken in September 2024."

See our gallery of 10 other notable photography competition entries!

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This photo competition is supported by NHBS

NHBS’s core purpose is to support those who work to understand, protect, and conserve the natural environment. We do this by offering the largest range of wildlife, ecology and conservation books and equipment in the world, providing expert advice and support to our customers, and providing the continuity in products and services that is essential for professionals.

Through UK Fungus Day, the British Mycological Society shares the importance of fungi to our lives and aims to inspire others to help preserve our native fungi and improve our scientific knowledge of these unique and remarkable organisms.

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Observing, collecting and growing fungi

The British Mycological Society is a scientific society supporting fungal research and conservation, and highlighting the fundamental importance fungi in the world's ecosystems.

Read our Code of Conduct for the responsible collection of fungi for research and education, and growing fungi at home.

Contact us:

British Mycological Society

Registered charity no. 276503


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